Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Diabetes really sucks!

I hate having to take two shots a day of insulin. Even though the person who trained me on what it means to be diabetic with regular insulin shots, herself, required five shots a day (when asked, she responded, "it is either that or die"). I blanched when she clarified that the needle does not go in at an angle, "Oh no! It has to go straight in all the way." Crap! My fear, or reluctance, of sticking needles into myself was one reason I had delayed in going beyond pills (although my doctor was pushing) for so long.

As it turns out, with a little experience and probing, you can actually find spots to insert the syringe without (sometimes) any pain. Other spots are not too bad. Unfortunately, sometimes it seems like it takes four or five tests to find the right spot.

Sure, sometimes I just say to heck with it and push the needle to completion, even though it hurts. What I do not do though is just randomly push it in somewhere. Because when it hurts, there are spots where it will hurt ALOT!

It is always a temptation to skip a shot, but this is a mistake as it does seem to build up in the system.

Of course, as it is type 2 diabetes, I always hold onto the hope that something will make it go away. I am trying to lose weight. Just hope it isn't like a dead pancreas syndrome or something.

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